Private Property and Political Power


18 December 2018
13:00 - 15:00
Utrecht University, Drift 23 (room 0.12)

Positive Freedom Discussion

We would like to invite you to a discussion session on positive freedom on 18 December. This is organised in the context of our research project Private Property and Political Power in a Liberal Democratic Society.

In our discussion, we will mainly focus on two questions regarding positive freedom. First, is positive freedom an exercise concept or an opportunity concept? And if it is the latter, can we still usefully distinguish it from negative freedom? Second, which duties – if any – does the state have to promote or protect positive freedom?

We will answer the questions listed above by reflecting on the following articles:

  • John Christman. 2005. ‘Saving Positive Freedom.’ Political Theory (33) 1, 79-88.
  • Gideon Elford. 2012. ‘Reclaiming Two Concepts of Liberty.’ Politics, Philosophy & Economics 12 (3), 228–246.
  • Eric Nelson. 2005. ‘Liberty: Once Concept Too Many?’ Political Theory 33 (1), 58-78.

Practical information
The format consists of two introductory presentations of ten minutes each, followed by an informal discussion, with cookies. The meeting takes place on Tuesday, December 18th, from 13:00 to 15:00 at Drift 23, room 0.12.